On Friday I popped into Cardiff with my mum to go shopping for the first time in months.
We weren’t sure what to expect but it was so lovely to be out. I had one of those really good shopping days where everything is a winner and you get exactly what you need.
One thing we kept saying as we were walking round was - 'The customer service here is so good!'
When it was good, it was really good and stood out against the rest.

We’d popped into Kiehl's so I could recycle my old bottles and they said - ‘I noticed you dropping off this, it’s 30% off today if you’re interested!’
30% off? Yes please! I wasn't even looking to buy anything.
While mum was getting some keys cut I decided to finally get spares for mine (it’s only been almost 3 years.)
The owner matched the offer I was using and gave mum a discount too.
Those little moments are unexpected things that we will remember. I always go on about Kiehl's anyway, but if someone wants their keys cut I know where I’d recommend.
A lot of my clients will say - I don’t just want to sell sell sell all the time.
But they don’t consider how they can bring something USEFUL to their audience.
How can you do something unexpected for your customers this week?
If you’re struggling to think of what that might be, reply to this email and I’ll give you some ideas.
This week I’ve been thinking more about how I can add value and give a great service.
When I have an enquiry call for The Six Week Marketing Fix I give advice to help the brand right away, whether they sign up or not.
I appreciate the audience that listens to my podcast so I try to make each episode as valuable as I can.
I loved how everyone supported my business at the beginning of lockdown by buying my social media eBook, so I’m working on an updated version that those who bought it will get for free.
My Instagram freebie on my website is now a year old so I’ve created a new checklist - 10 ways to get your website seen by more people. Sign up here to get it!