I got a really exciting new client this week that I can’t wait to start working with… That new client is me! It looks like we'll be spending more time inside soon which could be a good opportunity to work on your own business. Here's a few things I’ll be doing to give you some ideas.
Posting on social media
If you’re a business, don’t stop posting. What help or advice could you offer? We’re going to be doing lots of DIY, craft, cooking, gardening and distracting! Could you make a recipe or a craft template?
Updating my website
I’ll be making sure links are up to date, checking my content and adding something to the shop soon! If you have an online shop get EVERYTHING listed online so it’s easy to find and order.
Writing my newsletter
I’ve loved writing this newsletter, it’s something so simple every business should be doing. It's never too late to start reaching new people so if you’d like the template let me know.
Taking pictures for social media
If you get stuck trying to decide which picture to use, why not create yourself a bank of photos? Use this time to set up some indoor photoshoots and get creative.
Asking what other businesses need
Whether it’s help with deliveries, getting items listed online or watching their kids for an hour. Ask what our small businesses need and see if you can support them.
If you'd like me to take a look at your website or social media and give you some advice free of charge I'd be happy to help. All of my usual Facebook and Instagram one to ones are going ahead on zoom as normal, just reply to this email or message me
Speak soon!
Hannah x
