Happy Sunday!
I’d written a totally different newsletter for this week, but with the Vale going into local lockdown and other places across the UK having more restrictions, I thought I’d switch it up. I’m sure you won’t miss the second car boot sale metaphor I had planned.
Earlier today we did another really exciting photoshoot and this time it was for CHRISTMAS!
Whether you like it or not, Christmas is coming and it’s coming quickly.
The last few months have flown by for us and I have no doubt that the next few will too.
If you’re a small business and this year has been tough, don't give up yet, Christmas could be the time to turn things around.

When everything else has been hard, we want our marketing to be easy.
Which is why now is the perfect time to start a newsletter!
Earlier this evening I had an email from a local business. I didn’t need anything from there but they had a new collection so I thought I’d check it out.
A few clicks later and I’ve sorted out a Christmas present, a wedding present and a little something for me too (treat yourself!).
Those sales all came from one newsletter. Imagine how many other customers purchased too?!
Most people want to support small businesses but they need to be reminded of what you have for sale and have a really easy way to buy.
A newsletter is the perfect way to do this, and it doesn’t need to be complicated. I put off starting mine for 4 years and now after a few months it’s one of my favourite things to write. This week, think about 5 things you could write about in your newsletter. They could be products, services, an opinion, your expert knowledge or tips for your potential customers. If you're not quite ready to make the leap and start one yet you've got ideas for blogs and social media that you can reuse later down the line.
If you need help coming up with ideas, setting it up, getting people onto your list or even just knowing where to start, let me know. We can make you a plan over a cup of tea and a 1:1 zoom call!
Send me an email on hannah@hicommunications.co.uk.